Saturday, July 7, 2012

Man Uses 62,000 Pennies to Pay Off Mortgage!

Is it possible to pay off your mortgage with spare change? Yes, in fact one Massachusetts man did just that with pennies he saved over the years.

Thomas Diagle first received his loan 35 years ago when he bought a house with his wife in Milford, MA. Right after signing the loan documents, Diagle found a penny on the ground and made a joke with his wife that they could use it to start paying off their mortgage. Who would have thought that one day they would in fact pay the remainder of their loan with 62,000 pennies!

"I never saved anything in my life but pennies," said Diagle. All this saving and rolling paid off when he walked into his local bank, Milford Federal, and delivered the 50 cent rolls of pennies he had collected over the last 35 years. According to Milford Federal, it took 2 full days to unroll the pennies to put them toward the loan.

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