Sunday, July 22, 2012

Add Value to Your Home Through These "Fixes"

Thinking about selling your home? If so, you may want to take a look at this comprehensive list of "fixes" you can make to your home to increase its value:

  • Make your appliances match: Many time older homes may have gone through a series of appliance changes. Sometimes this means that they do not always come from the same manufacturer or even the same style. If you don't have the budget to buy all new appliances, you can order matching face panels.
  • Update the bathroom: All home buyers have a strong interest in the bathroom and an old, dingy room can easily steer them away. Update the floor with new vinyl which can be as easy to install as placing it right on top of the old flooring. If the bath tub really needs an updated look, a prefabricated tub can often be cheaper then trying to fix the weathered area.
  • Storage area is important: Many old homes lack closet and storage space, an increasingly important feature home buyers look for. Adding extra units into bedrooms, offices and even hallways is worth the extra money.
  • Add another bedroom: Some homes have a loft area which looks over the downstairs area. This can be a nice feature but what will add even more value to a home is adding a full wall to the loft and calling it an additional bedroom.
  • Pay attention to the front of the home: A house should be sound throughout its structure with no sign of peeling siding or unfinished carpentry but if the budget is short, at least make sure the front of the home looks fantastic. This is the first thing the home buyer sees and first impressions are everything.

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