Thursday, June 7, 2012

Social Media Tools for Real Estate Agents

The National Association of Realtors distributed statistics recently quoting that 90 percent of Real Estate Agents use some sort of social media. This is no surprise as one log into Facebook will uncover a plethora of agents placing property pictures and success stories all over. Even so, there are a few avenues that agents may not be utilizing that could prove beneficial:

  • Google Alerts: This allows you to insert particular keywords for industry information to share with your clients or potentials. Then Google will search online for this information for you and send you a list of relevant news topics.
  • Google Analytics: If you have a personal website for your properties, hooking up an Google Analytics is one of the best free analysis tools you can use. It will show you demographic statistics of your readers, hits per page, suggested keywords, etc.
  • Hootsuite: This is a third party content distributor which means that when you post something on this site, it will automatically post it amongst all of your social media sites for you. This can help reduce time but keep in mind if you are looking for page rankings for your social media sites, automatic postings can slightly minimize the points you get with search engines.
  • RealBird: A Real Estate social media platform that has a Facebook application that allows you to add a "Home for Sale" tab on your business page.

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